這陣子確實發生了很多事情,心情也伴著起伏不定,利用這休假的時間冷靜自己,意外的找到什麼樣的生活是符自己的,為何要跟別人比較而使自己不是在是自己呢?原來我的生活要的很簡單,那些生活的附品我不要,我喜歡平靜而且熟悉的工作,偶爾工作的挑戰是換換乏味的工作心情,我愛上那份熟悉感,不會超乎自己夢掌握的範圍,如何讓自己保有著每天都是工作的第一天很重要,在澳洲的這些時光裡,我的想法隨著周的事情有所轉變,我因為和你在一起所以覺得有多一年留在澳洲也不錯,所以在工作半年後展開了一個人的二簽之旅,原來二簽沒有自己想像中如此的容易,每當面對一件事都會心情如同大地震一般,雖然不能說完全改變,但我能說這些事情讓我不斷的被迫而接受,心確實學會看開了,事情既然都發生了,只有去解決不是嗎? 會後悔沒錯但很多決定的事是無法在改變什麼了,能用錢解決的事都還不是壞事,賺了在多的錢而使自己感到不快樂,這樣真的就失去了意義,不是嗎? 我懂我會念舊,事情太美好總是讓人無法忘記,但我還是要往前走,家人對我的期望以及自己想完成心願的使命,在流浪一年我想真的夠了,因為出這趟門,更加了解原來一個人在外是多麼想家的,多麼在乎家人,不論這趟旅程是帶著怎麼樣的心情畫下句點的,我不指看到而且學到很多,這就是旅程的價值所在吧! 現在的我,放完假就回去工作了,明年一月中結束先去紐西蘭在去雪梨玩,之後就飛伯斯小鎮工作五月底就回家啦! 在台灣準備我的歐洲之旅,三個月的時間體驗這片土地與文化,加油Lisa
目前分類:未分類文章 (15)
- Aug 18 Sun 2013 19:17
- Jul 25 Thu 2013 09:23
How come that you still in my mind
After two months already how come that you still in my mind. Whenever look over through the album or anything will easy to remind me of you. You used to be one of important people in my life however everything change so fast. Until now I think I still need to be cured, I am not recover that fast though. I do miss when we were together but it's already passed by. I should step on to open my new life right. I shouldn't stay in this situation anymore because nothing helps you. Wake up
- Feb 27 Wed 2013 18:30
Currently-need a farm job
Just like what I typed in subject. I want to experience different job when I'm in Australia.
Some reason is I don't really like when Peter was no idea about what he gonna me to do in the beginning of day. Maybe he has too much things for him to think about and worries. I believe that if you keep thinking in passitive way, sometime it's really help you to get off bad things. I always tell myself I shouldn't think in the opposite way because it will only take things more worst and help you nothing.
- Feb 15 Fri 2013 10:36
Everything could happen in your life
In those days, one thing come through my mind, why not give myself a chance to study in Austalia. I like cooking and service to costumes. That could be my career after studying in patisserie Tafe. I have to pass IELTS 5.5 scored and then will have an opportunity to enroll. Then by the following second year will have to earn lots of money as much as possible. Keep going and everything became clear from my heart.
I spent 7 months in Australia, I realized that everything could be happen in your life. Sometimes you will easy to feel happy however sometimes will be down on the same way. That's life. How to get through bad thing as soon as possible from your mind that's big lesson in our life. Start over and back up to the normal life you have.
- Feb 10 Sun 2013 16:28
First day off
I got up around 7:30 this morning. I went to chickens cottage to letthem out but it's locked and I walked to home making my breakfast, toast with butter and soy milk. After eating three pieces of toast and made me feel sleepy and too full in my stomach. Went back to my caravan and took a short sleep. During my breakfast, I talked with Selena who come from Italy are very nice to me and very good to chat with people from different country. Everyone have their own purpose to come to Australia.To me if I finished collecting my second year visa, I will try to earn money as much as possible in my second year.
I am not sure if you will go back on October or not but I think I will like to work here till I finished second year here. Another result could be you still working as a constructer in Mackay. Wait to see what's going happened. You are a man who I falled in love with very mature mind and have sense of humor which makes me laugh all the time. We have so many lovely memorise with each other. Even though I am not sure which step are we going to be, I am very happy to be with you and I am really hope that I could stay with you as long as possible. Everything could be happened.
- Feb 09 Sat 2013 18:18
Chinese New Year eve
It's a little bit sad coming from my mind because tonight is our chinese new year eve, I still lived in Australia alone. I really do miss you guys so much. After two more month, I will be back soon. This trip will be unforgettable memory in my whole life's. Even though it's not prefect, I still can't image that I found my Mr. Right in Australia. It's really unbelievable. Anything could be happened so just enjoy in each moment you like.